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Emotional Wellbeing

Emotional Wellness Badge

Faculty and staff members are a critical component to the promotion of mental health and emotional wellbeing on college campuses. They are often the first point of contact for a student who is struggling with a mental health issue, and it is important to cultivate the skills needed to help them. 

By participating in this badge program, faculty and staff members will build the skills needed to become more comfortable and confident in speaking with students and their colleagues about mental health and wellbeing. Participants will become more knowledgeable about the mental health resources available to students, but also those designed for faculty/staff.

Learning Outcomes

  • Participants will be able to accurately describe signs of mental health distress in students.
  • Participants will be able to confidently identify and refer both students and peers to the appropriate campus resources when showing signs of distress.
  • Participants will be able to articulate the importance of faculty/staff in the promotion and support of mental health on campus. 

For more information, please visit or contact