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Research Apprentice

Research Apprentice Badge

The Research Apprentice Badge is awarded to undergraduates who successfully complete the Research Apprenticeship Program (RAP).

RAP is a two-semester program that allows ANY WVU undergraduate with limited or no research experience to gain course credit and earn Federal Work-Study funds through undergraduate research apprenticeship with WVU research faculty.

Research Apprentice Badge

Undergraduates from ALL majors are welcome to enroll. Apprentices will:

  • Carry out investigations and/or creative inquiries alongside expert faculty mentors.
  • Learn research and scholarly methods in their respective disciplines.
  • Make scholarly or artistic contributions to knowledge.

Before the start of the program and with the help of the Office of Undergraduate Research, students need to secure a faculty mentor willing to supervise their progress throughout the semester.

Schedule an appointment with the Office of Undergraduate Research and learn how to get started!

Learn more about the badge at: