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Cultural Competency Dissemination

Step 3 - Cultural CompetencY: Dissemination

This badge represents active engagement and leadership in improving cultural competence for others. The dissemination of learned knowledge and application of information culminates with this badge where, as the student, you become the facilitator for creating more culturally competent individuals and groups on-campus.

Questions and proposals for this badge should be in consultation with the Cultural Competency Badge Committee. Direct all initial questions to, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, the semester before beginning efforts to attain this badge.

Within the proposal, the student and committee will define expectations.

Examples of possible projects include: organizing a training for resident assistants, student government leaders, student organization leaders, and other interested students; completing a teaching practicum where you are working with a faculty member on substantive work focusing on cultural competence; undergraduate research (e.g., Honors’ Excel Program) and presentation at a conference or on-campus research symposium; and study abroad experience(s) where you are given opportunities to disseminate information prior to and during travel that enhances the cultural experiences of other students.